
1.CheckFileAssociation:Ensurethatthe.msgfiletypeisassociatedwithMicrosoftOutlookorMicrosoft365.Youcandothisbyright- ...,Ifyouupgradedto10.7.3andthisissuestarted,youarelikelyseeingtheissueinthisdocument.CannotconnecttoSMGControlCenterafterupdateto10.7.3.,3.GototheQMSModuleManagerPageandconfirmtheModulerootpath(ThisiswherethemimefilesandinqueueandotherQMSdirectorieswill ...,KnowledgeDocument:Loc...

No longer able to open .msg files.

1. Check File Association: Ensure that the .msg file type is associated with Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft 365. You can do this by right- ...

Problem with login to SMG

If you upgraded to 10.7.3 and this issue started, you are likely seeing the issue in this document. Cannot connect to SMG Control Center after update to 10.7.3.

SMG Quarantine broken, how to fix?

3. Go to the QMS Module Manager Page and confirm the Module root path (This is where the mime files and in queue and other QMS directories will ...

Locked out of SMG Management Web UI due to certificate problems

Knowledge Document: Locked out of SMG Management Web UI due to certificate problems · Uploaded a new certificate and rebooted the server prior to ...

SMG File Extension

If you cannot open your SMG file correctly, try to right-click or long-press the file. Then click Open with and choose an application. You can also display a ...

Reopen SMG files in Solidworks?

I want to understand why Solidworks cannot open SMG (Composer) files even though it can export in this proprietary format.

Importing and Opening Files - 2023

You can import various file formats, as well as open native Composer files from the Open dialog box. In the Open dialog box, select the file to import or open ...

Cannot update Messaging Gateway 10.7.0

Attempting to update Messaging Gateway (SMG) version 10.7.0 to SMG 10.7.1 or later fails with the error message that SMG is Unable to access the respoitory.

4 Easy Ways to Open SMG Files

If you can't view the SMG file by double-clicking it, try opening it in a different program. One of the most popular programs for opening SMG files is inChorus ...

HD52754: SMG

SMG : CATIA Crashes when performing some operations and maximum number of open files is reached. . SCENARIO: This problem occurs on Sun OS 1- Start CATIA 2- In ...